Blessing Bags July 2016
To be able to do this event we needed help from so many and we are blessed indeed to have received the help we needed! A big shout out to the East Brunswick Police Department, Aldersgate Church and Crisis Room Food Pantry in East Brunswick, the Veterans Center (VFW- East Brunswick), The Milltown Library, the Parks and Recreation Center of East Brunswick, Target, Busy Little Hands Christian Montessori, Hillsborough community and the many other individuals who donated food and ofcourse to the adults and our very special Little Volunteers who did the hard work of sorting and putting more than 1000 items of food into 250 Blessing Bags. We cannot thank y'all enough and so please accept our sincere gratitude when we say THANK YOU! We couldn't have done it without y'all! We thank y'all for all the support and encouragement!

Sunrise Game Day 3
We couldn't tell who was having more fun! The Little Volunteers, the seniors from Sunrise or the adult/parents helping out! Everyone was out there trying to make the other person have a wonderful time! The gift was truly in the GIVING!

Sunrise Game Day 2
It was a truly game day for ALL! Everyone went back to being their child like selves along with the Little Volunteers! There were debates on the rules of each game, kids teaching the adults how to play the games correctly and every now and then a senior trying to get away with bending the rules! Haha! It was hilarious!

Sunrise Snowflakes
Our Little Volunteers worked cheerfully with the seniors from Sunrise Assisted Living to make snowflakes from craft materials like popsicle sticks. These snowflake tree ornaments were ready just in time for Christmas 2015. Their enthusiasm was contagious!

Sunrise Game Day
Wow, we had such a blast while our Little Volunteers played games with the residents of Sunrise Assisted Living Facility of East Brunswick. It's such a blessing to watch our Little Volunteers as they willingly give their precious time and affection to the residents in this facility. What a FUN day!

Fall Themed Artwork
Another lovely Saturday spent yet again with the residents at Sunrise Assisted Living Facility. Our Little Volunteers are always ready to get involved and spend their time giving back.

Service Themed Birthday Party
The parents of our very own Little Volunteer, Suraj, chose to host a service themed 5th birthday party, and requested that Little Volunteers plan and conduct the event. A special Happy Birthday goes out to Suraj!
As the service project, the Little Volunteers decorated mugs for the local fire fighters and gave them as gifts.
A few generous fire fighters from two of East Brunswick's local volunteer fire departments joined our party and taught us about fire safety! They allowed us to tour the trucks and take a look at the tools they use in emergency situations.
Overall, we had a spectacular day, and are grateful that we spent another day with children whose hearts are full of love.

Earth Day 2015
Earth Day was a special event for Little Volunteers. We visited Busy Little Hands Christian Montessori, and the Little Volunteers planted flowers at their own school. They showed appreciation to the earth and the school that day, and had an excellent time! We especially enjoyed watching the Little Volunteers put forth their best effort in order to give back to the earth.

Sweeping the Neighborhood
Our Little Volunteers swept the neighborhood... Literally! They gathered in groups and swept porches in a local neighborhood. Their joy in helping others was prominent that day, and we could not be more proud! Afterward, we surprised them with an egg hunt and bubbles to top off the fun! As expected, they had a great time as well at the adults!

Art for Sunrise
Our first event proved successful from beginning to end.
This event was two-fold.
First, our Little Volunteers created art, and we had them printed onto mugs.
Then, the children visited Sunrise of East Brunswick (an assisted living center). They gave the mugs to the residents, and spent some time with them. One of the Little Volunteers co-founders read the children and the residents a story called, I Love You, Grandma. Everybody had a great time, and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves (as well as the residents). It was a beautiful sight.
Then, the children visited Sunrise of East Brunswick (an assisted living center). They gave the mugs to the residents, and spent some time with them. One of the Little Volunteers co-founders read the children and the residents a story called, I Love You, Grandma. Everybody had a great time, and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves (as well as the residents). It was a beautiful sight.